Catrice Fix and Care Spray in ‘Candy’ Review

Face mists are hit and miss for me. I do use them – when I remember – and mostly to refresh my make-up or face. I don’t depend on them to set my make-up.

I picked up the Catrice Fix & Care Spray im Candy because of the pretty bottle. It looks and smells like a perfume, rather than a fixing spray. The glass angular bottle and the metal spray cannister makes it look pricier than your typical Catrice product.

‘Candy’ has a sweet floral scent with coconut undertone. It’s a welcome change to the sharp smell of hand sanitiser that is in the air these days.

Be forewarned: it’s likely that the excessive fragrance might irritate sensitive skin.

I spritzed this on my face before a Zoom meeting a few days ago and was quite happy with the result. It gave me a subtle glow.

Other than the occasional Zoom meeting, I mostly use this as a body mist. The main ingredient is water, so it evaporates quickly. Mac Fix Plus, it is not.

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